The modern living style - modern living room furnishings

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Are you planning to redecorate your living room and want to design it with a modern living style? In this article, we'll discuss everything you need to know to transform your living room into a place of contemporary elegance.

What does modern living style mean?

Before we dive into the details, let's talk briefly about what exactly modern living style means. Modern living style is characterized by minimalist design, clean lines and an open floor plan. It's modern, chic and contemporary.

The modern living style has developed into a popular furnishing style over time. Many people appreciate the simple elegance and clear structures that this style offers. The use of neutral colors and simple shapes creates a calm and harmonious atmosphere.

Another feature of the modern living style is functionality. Furniture and furnishings are chosen so that they are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also have a practical use. This enables efficient use of space and at the same time creates a pleasant living environment.

The history of modern living style

The modern home style emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction to the ostentatious and cluttered Victorian style. Pioneers of modern design such as Le Corbusier and Bauhaus artists revolutionized home design by focusing on functionality, comfort and aesthetics.

Le Corbusier, a Swiss-French architect and designer, was one of the most influential representatives of the modern style of living. He developed the concept of the "living machine", which focused on the functional design of the living space. Through the use of modular furniture, such as modular sofasand an open room design, he created apartments that met the needs of the residents.

The Bauhaus movement also made a significant contribution to the development of the modern style of living. The Bauhaus was an art school in Germany that existed from 1919 to 1933. Its members strove to unite art and craftsmanship and developed innovative design concepts for furniture, architecture and interiors.

Key elements of the modern living style

To implement the modern living style in your living room, there are a few key elements that you should bear in mind. These include clean lines, simple furniture, minimalist decoration and a calm color palette. By deliberately avoiding superfluous details, you can create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.

An important aspect of modern living style is choosing the right furniture. Clean lines and simple shapes are characteristic of this style. Opt for furniture made from natural materials such as wood or metal, which have a modern and timeless aesthetic.

You should also take a minimalist approach to decoration. A few select accessories, such as sculptures or paintings, can enhance the room without overloading it. Make sure that the colors of the decorative elements harmonize with the calm color palette of the room.

The modern living style offers you the opportunity to design your living space according to your individual preferences. Experiment with different materials, colors and shapes to create a unique and personal atmosphere. Be inspired by the simplicity and elegance of the modern living style and enjoy the benefits of this contemporary furnishing style.

Planning a modern living room

Before you start furnishing, you should carry out careful planning. Space planning and layout play an important role in creating a modern living room.

When planning your space, you should consider how you can make the best use of the room. Open floor plans are typical of modern living rooms and create an airy and spacious atmosphere. Through clever placement of furniture and decorations, you can create a harmonious flow in the room.

In addition to room planning choosing the right color scheme is crucial for a modern living style. Neutral colors such as white, grey and beige give the room a timeless elegance. However, you can also add accents with bold colors such as blue or yellow to breathe life into the room.

Room planning and layout

Think about how you can make the best use of the space. Open floor plans are typical of modern living rooms and create an airy and spacious atmosphere. Also think about the placement of furniture and decoration to create a harmonious flow in the room.

When planning the room, you should also the natural lighting into account. Large windows and glass walls allow you to make optimum use of daylight and make the room brighter and friendlier. You can also visually enlarge the room with cleverly placed mirrors.

Another important aspect of room planning is the creation of different functional areas. Think about how you can divide the room into different zones to allow for different activities such as watching TV, reading or relaxing. This can be achieved by placing furniture, shelves or room dividers.

Color schemes for a modern living room

The choice of colors is crucial for the modern living style. Opt for neutral colors such as white, grey and beige to achieve a timeless elegance. You can add accents with bold colors such as blue or yellow to breathe life into the room.

In addition to the colors, you can also play with different textures and materials to give the room more depth and interest. For example, combine smooth surfaces with coarse textures or mix different materials such as wood, metal and glass.

Another element to consider when designing a modern living room is the use of plants. Green plants not only bring freshness and life into the room, but also improve the air quality and ensure a healthy indoor climate.

Choosing the right furniture

Choosing the right furniture is crucial to creating a modern living room. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect pieces of furniture for your space.

A modern living room is characterized by clean lines, minimalist design and a harmonious atmosphere. Choosing the right pieces of furniture can have a big impact on the overall look of the room.

Let's start with the sofas and seating. Here it is important to pay attention to clear lines and a minimalist design. Furniture made of leather or fabric in neutral colors goes very well with the modern living style. They give the room an elegant and timeless touch. To find the right Color for your modern living room, it's worth it, free fabric samples to order. 

Here is an example of a modern living room combined with the Harvey sofa in Cord Nata and the matching wooden shelves. 

In addition to the design, comfort is also an important criterion. After all, what good is a beautiful sofa if you can't sit comfortably on it? So make sure that the sofas and seating are comfortable and offer you enough space to relax. To find the right sofa for you, it's worth going to a furniture store, such as a Livom showroomand test the sofas. 

Another important aspect when choosing the right furniture is the tables and storage furniture. These should not only be functional, but also stylish. Clear glass or metal tables are ideal here, as they fit in perfectly with the modern look. There are also table variants, as in our example above, which are covered in the same fabric. This is also ideal for the modern living style, as it creates a uniform and atmospheric effect. You can configure the Harvey sofa with matching side tables here: Harvey sofa 

When it comes to storage furniture, it is important to ensure clean lines and sufficient storage space. After all, nothing disturbs the modern living ambience more than clutter. So opt for pieces of furniture that offer enough space to store your personal belongings neatly.

Think about the lighting too. Well-designed lighting can have a significant impact on the overall look of the room. Choose modern and stylish lamps that illuminate the room optimally and create a pleasant atmosphere.

In summary, choosing the right pieces of furniture is an important step in creating a modern living room. Look for clean lines, minimalist design and a harmonious atmosphere. Choose sofas and seating that are comfortable and match the modern look. Choose tables and storage furniture that are functional and stylish. And don't forget the lighting, which sets the room off to its best advantage.

Lighting and accessories for a modern living room

The right lighting and accessories can add the finishing touches to your modern living room. Here are some tips to make the most of your space.

A modern living room is characterized by clean lines and minimalist design. To emphasize this modern ambience, choosing the right lighting is of great importance. Modern lighting options such as LED ceiling lights or floor lamps with a clean design are a good choice. They not only provide sufficient brightness, but also serve as a stylish accessory. Indirect lighting can create a pleasant atmosphere and highlight certain areas of the room. A cleverly placed LED strip light along the ceiling, for example, can visually enlarge the room and create a cozy atmosphere.

To emphasize the modern style of your living room, you should also focus on clear shapes and high-quality materials when it comes to accessories. A few select decorative elements can add character to the room without overloading it. Abstract paintings on the walls are a popular choice for adding color accents while bringing a touch of art into the room. Sculptural vases or a large wall mirror can also serve as eye-catchers and emphasize the modern style.

Another important aspect when designing a modern living room is the color scheme. Light and neutral shades such as white, gray or beige are typical for a modern look. They create a calm and harmonious atmosphere and make the room appear larger. Accents can be set with strong colors such as red, blue or yellow, for example with colored cushions or a rug.

Also think about practical aspects when choosing lighting and accessories. Dimmable lamps allow you to adjust the brightness as required and create a cozy atmosphere. Storage furniture such as sideboards or shelves not only provide space for your personal belongings, but can also serve as decorative elements.

Overall, when designing your modern living room, it is important that you your personal style when designing your modern living room. Choose lighting and accessories that you like and feel comfortable with. This will turn your living room into a place where you enjoy spending time and relaxing.

Practical tips for implementing the modern living style

Here are a few practical tips for implementing and maintaining your modern living style.

The modern living style is characterized by clean lines, minimalist design and a light colour palette. There are various measures you can take to implement this style in your home.

How to modernize old furniture

Do you already have pieces of furniture that don't fit the modern style? Don't worry, you can modernize them with a few simple steps. Paint wooden furniture in a neutral Color or reupholster old chairs with a modern fabric.

If you want to spice up your old wardrobe or chest of drawers, you can also add new handles or knobs. This immediately gives the furniture a modern touch.

Remember that the modern living style focuses on simplicity and functionality. Therefore, remove unnecessary decorations or ornaments from your furniture to achieve a clean and contemporary look.

Where to find modern home accessories

There are many places where you can find modern home accessories. Browse furniture stores, interior design magazines or look online for inspiration. Make sure that the accessories you choose go well with your room and emphasize the modern style.

Sculptural vases or minimalist wall clocks, for example, are a popular trend in modern living. These can add an interesting touch to your room and be functional at the same time.

Another tip is to use modern lights. Pendant lights with clean lines or floor lamps with a minimalist design can emphasize the modern style in your home.

Also remember that the modern living style often relies on natural materials such as wood, glass or metal. Therefore, choose accessories that use these materials to create a harmonious atmosphere.

Overall, the modern living style is a wonderful way to give your home a contemporary and appealing look. With a few simple changes, you can transform your living space into a modern retreat.

Inspiration for a modern living room

If you're still looking for inspiration, you can take a look at modern living room designs. From minimalist spaces to luxurious designs, there are endless ways to create your space.

Another way to make your living room modern is through the use of color. A modern color scheme can give your room a fresh and contemporary look. For example, combine neutral colors like white, grey and beige with bold accent colors like blue or yellow to create an interesting contrast.


Famous designers and their modern living room concepts

Famous designers such as Philippe Starck and Kelly Hoppen have developed many modern living room concepts. Their work can provide you with valuable insights and inspiration for your own living room.

Another way to give your living room a modern touch is to use modern furniture and accessories. Choose furniture with clean lines and minimalist design. Also use modern lighting elements such as pendant lights or floor lamps to give your room a stylish atmosphere.

Transform your living room into a place of contemporary elegance with the modern living style. With clean lines, minimalist design and carefully selected furniture and accessories, you can create a space that is modern yet cozy. Use the tips above and your own creative ideas to turn your living room into a modern masterpiece.